Status: Secondary main characters (too little imformation to make two pages).

The Detective Sergeants are in the story the least developed of the characters. In the novel one of their primary functions is the part of comic relief. Although they are both not purely comedic characters and they are both very smart an driving points of finding not only information in the story. But the height and how the killer was killing his victims and how he got them to the spaces he did.

The Isaacsons though born in the United States, come from an immigrant Jewish family. It is unclear where their family came from as it was never outwardly stated in the book. Both Lucius and Marcus are highly intelligent and well educated. We know that Marcus has trained to be a lawyer, While Lucius has trained to be a doctor. However even thoough they are both well educated they suffer at the hand of Anti-Semitism. Marcus mentions that their parents gave them English names to avoid being subjected to Anti-Semitism whether this worked or not was never actually mentioned in thes story, but we do know that their English names did not save them from judgement in the jobs they both took up.

Both of the brothers worked for Pinkertons, a private detective agency, but they were unable to join the police force until Theodore Roosevelt became the commissoner of the police force. They were hired because Roosevelt made it a point in this story to hire people who wouldn't normally be accepted elsewhere in an attempt to break the standards. Due to this the Isaacson brothers appointed as detective sergeants. Even with the ranks they were provided they were not saved from the judgemnt that came with being Jewish. Both of them are intelligent and strong for continuing on with their journey despite the judgement they face.

Bad Qualities in the story

Since the Isaacsons are so underdeveloped despite being a major standpoint in the story its hard to give them both a bad feature since it was never really touched upon. The only thing that I can claim to be a bad quality is the fact that even though they are both twins they have very different personalities and always seem to be at eachothers heads.

Bad qualities

But these dificulties do not ever interupt their ability to do the work that is needed to do in the story as when it comes to the case itself they are both rather focused and serious about it all. The bothers most normally leave their bickering to after all the work that has to be done is done. And for a good majority of the story they had too much work to really go at eachother and as most of the characters they both found themselves to tired to even attempt to fight.

These two characters are quite enjoyable and never once in the story thought about giving up. They where both very willing to try things that are cosidered taboo in this time period. Like fingerprinting and other things that weren't common and couldn't even be used in the court of law.
