Antagonist who the entire story is based around.

John Beecham was a former Corporal who was sent to St.Elizabeth's Hospital a place commonly known to take in unstable soliders from war and other situtations. Beecham was take due to violent and unstable behaviour.

Following Beechams release from Elizabeth's Hospital Beecham started working for the Census Bureau which is linked to him finding out ways to find and approach the young victims he killed. John Beecham is described as a man in his thirties and due to his moutain climbing skills, and climbing skills in gerneral he is considered a very strong and very smart man. It is notable that his appearence is utterly natural which is why he was never formally spotted in the story. A trait that does set him apart from everyone is a very violent tick on one side of his face that is said to settle when climbig or killing.

John Beecham is considered by Kriezler a very smart and clever man who was not only allowing the team to figure out things about him, but he was watching them as well though its noted that he didn't know how close they were to finding him at either times. He got to most all of his young victims by first luring them in with sweet promises of taking them away from there unfortunate situations. Most of the boys he killed being prostitutes. He would them climb up the side of the buildings and take the boys eventually killing them on a place that is far above ground.

Bad Qualities in the story

John Beecham in himself is a bad quality of the story. But for this i'll describe his bad qualities that caused him to be caught by our main characters in the story and ultimantly let to his deafeat.

Bad qualities

John Beecham is a very unstable induvidual with a past that never truly allowed him to thrive as a normal person would. He was deeply desperate to be cuaght despite how carefully he planned out each murder he did. For all his planning he always left some sort of hints since a part of him as said by Kreizler wanted to be stopped this is something that led to his downfall. His personality was a constant mix of both horror for his actions and a sadistic gratification for everything he was doing and all the fear he got from his actions. He acted like an utter child when caught because as much as he wanted to stop he also feared getting caught.

John Beecham is a character with a lot of depth that can make someone both wish he would simply drop dead. And qualities most specifically from his past that makes you feel utterly horrible for the man under the murders.
